If you would like to support Grace in our community-driven mission, please continue reading to learn which giving option is best for you. We couldn’t continue our work without the assistance of people like you. From everyone at Grace, thank you so much for your support.
Submit traditional offerings on Sundays, to the office during office hours, or by mail. Please make checks payable to Grace UCC. Mailing address: 902 Lincoln Ave. Northampton, PA 18067
Electronic giving is all about convenience for you and consistency for the church. Simply fill out the E-Giving Form and return it in a sealed envelope to the church office. You’ll then have contributions automatically transferred from your checking or savings account to Grace’s bank account in whatever dollar amount and frequency you choose.
All information is kept strictly confidential.
Donate via PayPal
Make a one-time or monthly donation in the amount of your choice online through PayPal. Click the “Donate” button below to get started.

Redner’s Receipts
If you shop at Redner’s, submit your receipts to Grace and we will earn 1% of your purchase total. Just use your Redner’s Rewards Card as usual and save your receipts to give to the church office. It must be the full receipt for us to receive credit.
A Poem on E-Giving
by Sharon Braker
In this world of fast-paced living
There is a time-saver called “E-Giving.”
I was hesitant, but I submitted the form one day.
Now I would never go back to the old way!
On Sunday mornings when I am in a hurry,
I am glad that there is one less worry.
Preparing church envelopes and checks can be a chore.
Now I just get myself ready and run out the door!
Best of all, when I am absent or on vacation,
God’s church is still receiving my donation!