Bethany Children's Home
The vision of Bethany Children’s Home is of a community where all youth and staff are safe in their environment and feel safe within themselves. To bring this vision into reality, they provide the resources needed to children and families to work through their losses, enabling them to have a brighter future. Their mission is to provide a safe place of nurture, protection, and supportive care to aid their residents in their self-understanding, growth, and healing toward a brighter, healthier future.
To learn more about Bethany’s programs or how you can make a difference, please visit bethanyhome.org.

KidsPeace & Suicide Prevention
KidsPeace is a private charity dedicated to helping children and families with behavioral and mental health issues. You may make a donation on their site listed below, but we are highlighting them primarily as a resource to learn more about suicide prevention.
Please visit kidspeace.org to learn more about how to recognize risk indicators for youth suicide, spot the warning signs, and ultimately prevent suicide. You can also find helpful links such as TeenCentral.com.

Lancaster Theological Seminary
Lancaster Theological Seminary, a graduate school affiliated with the United Church of Christ, is known for academic excellence, celebration of differences across Christian traditions, and creative engagement on issues important to our world. Their mission is to educate and nurture leaders to join in God’s redemptive and liberating work so that all creation may flourish.
To learn more about the Seminary or make a gift, please visit lancasterseminary.edu.

Lehigh Conference of Churches
The Lehigh Conference of Churches assists those most in need in our community. Their programs include: the Ecumenical Soup Kitchen, which provides nutritious meals to those in need; the Daybreak Drop-In Center, which provides safe, supportive programs for those struggling with mental health; Pathways Housing Services, which helps find housing for those facing homelessness; and the Hope Program, which helps stabilize the lives of adults struggling with homelessness and mental health.
To learn more, volunteer, or make a donation, please visit lehighchurches.org.

Phoebe Ministries
Phoebe offers quality and compassionate health care services for over 15,000 older adults annually. Because of donors, they are able to provide personal protective equipment for their residents and staff, uplifting community life and pastoral care programs that promote fullness of life, innovative educational programs, pharmacy services, and charitable care for residents in need.
To learn more or help make a difference, please visit phoebe.org.

Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley
Turning Point is a safe place where survivors of domestic and intimate partner abuse and their children can find refuge. They provide services in Lehigh and Northampton counties and reach nearly 2,200 people a year through their programs and services. Those include: a 24-hour Helpline, Emergency Safe House, Empowerment Counseling and Groups, Legal Advocacy, Outreach Education, and Medical Advocacy.
To learn more about Turning Point’s work or make a donation, please visit turningpointlv.org.